The most creative and funny job ads that recruiters are using to get your attention.

Enjoy! Click through to see larger versions at the source.
Which one is your favorite? Tell us in the comments.
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LOL! Thanks for sharing! I love all ads; they are super funny and creative to me—enjoyed all of theirs! =D
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Pingback: Oliver Behrla
LOL! Thanks for sharing! I love all ads; they are super funny and creative to me—enjoyed all of theirs! =D
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J.T. – you’re joking, but when I interviewed in Paris for a web developer position at back in 1999, they gave me 2-page HTML file and asked me to correct it, and frankly, you didn’t need to be a coder, they just wanted to test attention to detail. It worked 🙂
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Enjoyed these! Was inspired to add three more to your list to make it an even 120 – check out our creative shop and a few more funny recruitment ads at my blog post:
.-= Annette DeHaven´s last blog ..Make That 120 of the Funniest Recruitment Ads … =-.
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Wow, great ads. I notice most of them are from Europe. These creative job adverts are no where near as prevalent in the UK it seems.
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This really shows that we are living in a world where creativity is the order of the day and that connects the Intellect.
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Thanks for these, some are great!
However, 50% are not legible on the 1/3-of-the-screen width you chose to post them on. And clicking on them in the expectation to see a bigger version brings me to god knows which sites.
LOL, some of these are just pure genius! I love the ones on the side of the photobooth and petrol dispenser etc. I actually used to believe that there were little people inside machines doing all the work and I was bitterly disappointed when my parents told me there weren’t. Add that to the revelations about my favourite Disney characters and Father Christmas and I was a gibbering wreck for a week!
Pingback: 117 Funniest Creative Job and Recruitment Ads | JobMob
I love those places because it give us the opportunity to grow and they call you quickly.
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Hi mate.
These guy are called the Young Creative Council. They help ad students try and get into the world of advertising. I would have a look what they do:
They also always have job opportunities/ courses and live briefs on their Facebook page
this is great!, it is creative and funny, inspirational great stuff!
very funny. i cant imagine i took the wrong job.. those photos are too inspiring. great job
very funny. i cant imagine i took the wrong job.. those photos are too inspiring. great job
I have to say, that truck with the ‘Don’t jump’ message written on the top of it is pretty hilarious.
Great ads, it’s hard to pick a favorite!
Huge list of great ads! So many great ones.
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Just proves that media and marketing has a direct influence on how candidates are attracted to originality in recruitment adverts – even in the e-commerce scene.
At least one industry is capitalizing on widespread unhappiness.
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To contribute to this great article, here are few of the Recruitment Banners created by our creative team. We have received a great accolades from people around the word for these creations, and we were being able to hire some really good and talented people through these ads. I hope you too like it…
An Other funny recruiting campaign for web-developers
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can I have more innovative job ad for chief financial officer?
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